Bilaketa irizpideak / Criterios de búsqueda :
| Azken eguneratzea / Ultima actualización: 18-12-2024 16:03:09 |
Orrialde bakoitzeko sarrera kopurua / Entradas por página: [10] , [20] , [50] , [100] , [200]
Orrialdea / Página:
0445 Guztira / Total 0980
Erregistroak / Registros 4441-4450 Guztira / Total 9792
Izenburua/Título | Idazlea/Autor | Argitaletxea/Editorial |  |
 | | Teacher man | McCourt, Frank | Penguin Readers |  | |  | | The picture of Dorian Gray | Wilde, Oscar | Penguin Readers |  | |  | | The bourne Identity. | Ludlum, Robert | Penguin Readers |  | |  | | The interpreter | Holmes, Karen | Pearson Education |  | |  | | King Lear | Shakespeare, William | Longman |  | |  | | The return of Sherlock Holmes | Doyle, Arthur Conan | Pearson Education |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Hopkins, Andy | Penguin |  | |  | | Lost in New York | Escott, John | Longman |  | |  | | A Christmas Carol | Dean, Michael | Pearson Education |  | |  | | Gulliver's travels | Swift, Jonathan | Penguin |  | |  |