Bilaketa irizpideak / Criterios de búsqueda :
| Azken eguneratzea / Ultima actualización: 04-04-2023 01:30:33 |
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Orrialdea / Página:
0128 Guztira / Total 0143
Erregistroak / Registros 6351-6400 Guztira / Total 7111
Izenburua/Título | Idazlea/Autor | Argitaletxea/Editorial |  |
 | | Three Sherlock Holmes Adventures | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | Collins English Library |  | |  | | The Wrestler | Cripwell, K R | Collins English Library |  | |  | | The Magic Garden | Cripwell, K R | Collins English Library |  | |  | | Two Roman Stories | Shakespeare, William | Collins English Library |  | |  | | Climb a Lonely Hill | Norman, Lilith | Collins English Library |  | |  | | The Story of Madame Tussaud's | Jones, Lewis | Collins English Library |  | |  | | A Christmas Carol | Dickens, Charles | Collins English Library |  | |  | | Saturday Storm | Newsome, Julia | Richmond Publishers |  | |  | | Saturday Storm | Newsome, Julia | Richmond Publishers |  | |  | | Marias' Dilemma | Newsome, Julia | Richmond Publishers |  | |  | | The Client | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Strangers on a train | Highsmith, Patricia | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Oliver Twist | Dickens, Charles | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Fox | Lawrence, David Herbert | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Matilda | Dahl, Roald | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Horse Whisperer | Evans, Nicholas | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Black Cat | Milne, John | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Black Cat | Milne, John | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Picture of Dorian Gray | Wilde, Oscar | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Picture of Dorian Gray | Wilde, Oscar | Heinemann |  | |  | | Tales of Ten Worlds | Clarke, Arthur C. | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Escape | Maugham, W. Somerset | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Promise | Scott-Buccleuch, R. L. | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Boy Who Was Afraid | Sperry, Armstrong | Heinemann |  | |  | | Lady Portia's Revenge | Evans, David | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Cleverest Person in the World | Whitney, Norman | Heinemann |  | |  | | Don't tell me what to do | Hardcastle, Michael | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Quest | Loader, Mandy | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Stranger | Whitney, Norman | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Verger | Maugham, W. Somerset | Heinemann |  | |  | | Frankestein | Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft | Heinemann |  | |  | | Treasure Island | Stevenson, Robert Louis | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Woman in Black | Hill, Susan | Heinemann |  | |  | | Silver Blaze | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Narrow Path | Selormey, Francis | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Canterville Ghost | Wilde, Oscar | Heinemann |  | |  | | Clams | Landon, John | Heinemann |  | |  | | The Man with no Name | Davies, Evelyn | Heinemann |  | |  | | Riders of the Purple Sage | Grey, Zane | Heinemann |  | |  | | A Christmas Carol | Dickens, Charles | Heinemann |  | |  | | A Dangerous Rival | Sherwood, Sandra | Burlington Books |  | |  | | White Fang | London, Jack | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Rogue Male | Household, Geoffrey | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Two Shakespearean Comedies | Shakespeare, William | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Rogue Male | Household, Geoffrey | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Death on the Circuit | Barclay, Christine | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Death on the Circuit | Barclay, Christine | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Prisoners of the Amazon | Barclay, Christine | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Short Stories | Wilde, Oscar | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Silas Marner | Eliot, George | Burlington Books |  | |  |