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| Azken eguneratzea / Ultima actualización: 04-04-2023 01:30:33 |
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Erregistroak / Registros 6401-6600 Guztira / Total 7111
Izenburua/Título | Idazlea/Autor | Argitaletxea/Editorial |  |
 | | Brave New World | Huxley, Aldous | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Bicentennial Man | Asimov, Isaac | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The Moonstone | Collins, Wilkie | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The Gold Bug | Poe, Edgar Allan | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Antología bilingüe | Blake, William | Alianza Editorial |  | |  | | The Goalkeeper's Revenge | Naughton, Bill | Heinemann |  | |  | | Men in Black | Solomon, Ed | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Book of Heroic Failures | Pile, Stephen | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Round the World in Eighty Days | Verne, Jules | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Photo of the Tall Man | Rabley, Stephen | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | David Copperfield | Dickens, Charles | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Treasure Island | Stevenson, Robert Louis | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Inspector Thackeray Calls | James, Kenneth | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Operation Mastermind | Alexander, L. G. | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | David and Marianne | Dent, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Down the River | Byrne, Donn | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Seven One Act Plays | Byrne, Donn | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Round the World in Eighty Days | Verne, Jules | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Mysterious Island | Verne, Jules | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Canterbury Tales | Chaucer, Geoffrey | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Kidnapped | Stevenson, Robert Louis | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Rip van Winkle | Irving, Washington | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | A Tale of Two Cities | Dickens, Charles | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Tales from the Arabian Nights | | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Man from Nowhere | Smith, Bernard | Cambridge University Press |  | |  | | The Smuggler | Plowright, Piers | Macmillan Publishers Limited |  | |  | | Urruzuno Literatura-lehiaketa 2010 | | Eusko Jaurlaritza Kultura Saila |  | |  | | Nora ez dakizun hori | Jimenez, Irati | Elkarlanean |  | |  | | Eskola Antzerkia 7 | | Eusko Jaurlaritza Kultura Saila |  | |  | | Kidnapped | Stevenson, Robert Louis | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Who Am I ? | Ybarra Rubio, Ramón | Burlington Books |  | |  | | A Midsummer Night's Dream | Shakespeare, William | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The Phantom of the Opera | Leroux, Gaston | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The Ghost of the Green Lady | Stevens, Caroline | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Testament | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Testament | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Matilda | Dahl, Roald | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Matilda | Dahl, Roald | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Relatos escalofriantes de Roald Dahl | Dahl, Roald | Alfaguara |  | |  | | Los mejores relatos de ciencia ficción | | Alfaguara |  | |  | | La compañía de las moscas | Mallorquí, César | Alfaguara |  | |  | | La muerte del cisne | Lalana, Fernando | Alfaguara |  | |  | | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Testament | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Testament | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Testament | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Testament | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Testament | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Testament | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Testament | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Testament | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Testament | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Testament | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Testament | Grisham, John | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Notting Hill | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Matilda | Dahl, Roald | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Matilda | Dahl, Roald | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Matilda | Dahl, Roald | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Matilda | Dahl, Roald | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Matilda | Dahl, Roald | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Matilda | Dahl, Roald | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Matilda | Dahl, Roald | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Matilda | Dahl, Roald | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Matilda | Dahl, Roald | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Matilda | Dahl, Roald | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Culture shock | Chandler, Janet | Burlington Books |  | |  | | A foreigner in Britain | Ybarra Rubio, Ramón | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Pride and prejudice | Austen, Jane | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Murder on the beach | Drury, Philip | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The hunchback of Notre Dame | Hugo, Víctor | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Daddy-long-legs | Webster, Jean | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Cervantes meets Shakespeare | Ybarra Rubio, Ramón | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Flight to Terror | Barclay, Christine | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Flight to Terror | Barclay, Christine | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The Queen and I | Townsend, Sue | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The Queen and I | Townsend, Sue | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The secret diary of Adrian Mole | Townsend, Sue | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The secret diary of Adrian Mole | Townsend, Sue | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The Client | Grisham, John | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The Client | Grisham, John | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The thirty-nine steps | Buchan, John | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The thirty-nine steps | Buchan, John | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The murders in the Rue Morgue | Poe, Edgar Allan | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The murders in the Rue Morgue | Poe, Edgar Allan | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The murders in the Rue Morgue | Poe, Edgar Allan | Burlington Books |  | |  | | El espíritu de los hielos | Carranza, Maite | Algar, Editorial |  | |  | | Drácula | Stoker, Bram | Algar, Editorial |  | |  | | Wendy y el enemigo invisible | Martín, Andreu | Algar, Editorial |  | |  | | Anne aquí, Sélima allí | Feraud, Marie | Alfaguara |  | |  | | Las sombras de la caverna | Carazo, Jesús | Alfaguara |  | |  | | El pozo de los mil demonios | Martín, Andreu | Alfaguara |  | |  | | La espada y la rosa | Martínez Mechén, Antonio | Alfaguara |  | |  | | Palabras envenenadas | Carranza, Maite | Edebé |  | |  | | El cartero siempre llama mil veces | Martín, Andreu | Anaya |  | |  | | Todos los detectives se llaman Flanagan | Martin, Andreu | Anaya |  | |  | | No te laves las manos, Flanagan | Martin, Andreu | Anaya |  | |  | | No encontré rosas para mi madre | G. Blázquez, José Antonio | Círculo de Lectores |  | |  | | Traficantes de sueños | Robbins, Harold | Plaza & Janés |  | |  | | El señor de los anillos . I | Tolkien, John Ronald Rouel | Minotauro |  | |  | | The Last Leaf | O Henry | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The Last Leaf | O Henry | Burlington Books |  | |  | | A Foreigner in Britain | Ybarra Rubio, Ramón | Burlington Books |  | |  | | A Foreigner in Britain | Ybarra Rubio, Ramón | Burlington Books |  | |  | | How to be a millionaire | Edwards, Jenny | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The Three Musketeers | Dumas, Alexandre | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Joanna's Story | Griffin, Finola | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The secret diary of Adrian Mole | Townsend, Sue | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The Woman in White | Collins, Wilkie | Burlington Books |  | |  | | We can remember it for you wholesale | K. Dick, Phillip | Burlington Books |  | |  | | 110. Street-eko geltokia | Zabaleta Urkiola, Iñaki | Elkar |  | |  | | 110. Street-eko geltokia | Zabaleta Urkiola, Iñaki | Elkar |  | |  | | 110. Street-eko geltokia | Zabaleta Urkiola, Iñaki | Elkar |  | |  | | Riskyren ipuin politenak | Iturralde, Joxemari | Elkar |  | |  | | Jona da zure klabe-izena | Packard, Edward | Elkar |  | |  | | K's First Case | Alexander, L. G. | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | K's First Case | Alexander, L. G. | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | K's First Case | Alexander, L. G. | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Beowulf | | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The music line | Methold, Ken | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Tales from Arab History | | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Prisoner of Zenda | Hope, Anthony | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The Prisoner of Zenda | Hope, Anthony | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Winds of Change | | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | On the beach | Shute, Nevil | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | The adventures of Tom Sawyer | Twain, Mark | Pearson Educación |  | |  | | The Boy from Yesterday | Davage, John | Richmond Publishers |  | |  | | The Adventures of Captain Crossbones | Stanmore, Anne | Burlington Books |  | |  | | The Ghost Teacher | Hart, Julie | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Paper Moon | Brown, Joe David | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Two Shakespearen Tragedies | Shakespeare, William | Burlington Books |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Historia Universal | | Salvat |  | |  | | Vacas, cerdos, guerras y brujas | Harris, Marvin | Alianza Editorial |  | |  | | Mr. Bean | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Mr. Bean | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Mr. Bean | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Mr. Bean | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Mr. Bean | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Mr. Bean | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Mr. Bean | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Mr. Bean | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Mr. Bean | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Mr. Bean | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Mr. Bean | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Mr. Bean | Curtis, Richard | Longman Group Limited |  | |  | | Love Story | Segal, Erich | Oxford University Press |  | |  | | The elephant man | Vicary, Tim | Oxford University Press |  | |  | | Wyatt's Hurricane | Bagley, Desmond | Oxford University Press |  | |  | | Skyjack! | Vicary, Tim | Oxford University Press |  | |  | | Tooth and claw | Saki | Oxford University Press |  | |  | | The year of Sharing | Gilbert, Harry | Oxford University Press |  | |  | | The Piano | Border, Rosemary | Oxford University Press |  | |  | | Voodoo Island | Duckworth, Michael | Oxford University Press |  | |  | | Sherlock Holmes Short Stories | Doyle, Arthur Conan | Oxford University Press |  | |  |