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Erregistroak / Registros 2601-2800 Guztira / Total 11635
Ordenatu gorantz / Orden ascendente Idazlea/Autor |
Izenburua/Título | Idazlea/Autor | Argitaletxea/Editorial | |
| | Pipa | Clarin, Leopoldo Alas | Cátedra | | | | | La Regenta | Clarin, Leopoldo Alas | Alianza | | | | | Pipa | Clarin, Leopoldo Alas | Cátedra | | | | | La Regenta I | Clarin, Leopoldo Alas | Cátedra | | | | | ¡Adiós, Crdera! y otros cuentos | Clarin, Leopoldo Alas | Espasa Calpe | | | | | La Regenta II | Clarin, Leopoldo Alas | Cátedra | | | | | La regenta | Clarin, Leopoldo Alas | El País | | | | | La regenta | Clarin, Leopoldo Alas | El País | | | | | La regenta | Clarin, Leopoldo Alas | Alianza Editorial | | | | | Give us the money | Clarke , Maeve | Oxford University Press | | | | | Give us the money | Clarke , Maeve | Oxford University Press | | | | | Give us the money | Clarke , Maeve | Oxford University Press | | | | | Give us the money | Clarke , Maeve | Oxford University Press | | | | | Give us the money | Clarke , Maeve | Oxford University Press | | | | | Give us the money | Clarke , Maeve | Oxford University Press | | | | | Give us the money | Clarke , Maeve | Oxford University Press | | | | | Give us the money | Clarke , Maeve | Oxford University Press | | | | | Give us the money | Clarke , Maeve | Oxford University Press | | | | | Give us the money | Clarke , Maeve | Oxford University Press | | | | | Una odisea espacial 2001 | Clarke, Arthur C. | Salvat | | | | | serpiente de cristal La | Claudín Fernando | Anaya | | | | | L'Espagnol | Clavel, Bernard | J'ai lu | | | | | Leyendas de Vasconia | Claveria, Carlos | Gomez | | | | | Murder at Coyote Canyon | Clemen, Gina D.B. | Vicens-Vives | | | | | Huckleberry Finn | Clemens, Samuel | Pendulum Press | | | | | Le prix de la liberté | Clément, Yves-Marie | Le livre de poche | | | | | Les Clochards et autres nouvelles | Clochards | Hachette Books | | | | | Les Clochards et autres nouvelles | Clochards | Hachette Books | | | | | La bavure | Coatmeur, Jean-François | Denoël | | | | | The Magician | Cockett, Mary | Oxford University Press | | | | | Les enfants terribles | Cocteau, Jean | Edicciones Bernard Grasset | | | | | Buffalo Bill | Cody, William F. | Planeta | | | | | Sur le bord de la rivière Piedra je suis assise et j'ai pleuré | Coelho, Paulo | J'ai lu | | | | | Leader of the People:Andrew Jackson | Coit, Margaret | Ladder | | | | | Jugando con poesía | Colegio Publico Ignacio Aldeco | Colegio Publico Ignacio Aldecoa | | | | | El reverso del music-hall | Colette | Argos vergara | | | | | Poesia (1967-1981) | Colinas, Antonio | Visor | | | | | A day in the life of América | Collins Publishers | Collins English Library | | | | | Los juegos del hambre | Collins Suzanne | Molino | | | | | Los juegos del hambre | Collins Suzanne | Molino | | | | | Los juegos del hambre | Collins Suzanne | Molino | | | | | En llamas | Collins Suzanne | RBA | | | | | Los juegos del hambre | Collins Suzanne | Molino | | | | | Los juegos del hambre | Collins Suzanne | Molino | | | | | Los juegos del hambre | Collins Suzanne | Molino | | | | | Los juegos del hambre | Collins Suzanne | Molino | | | | | Los juegos del hambre | Collins Suzanne | Molino | | | | | Los juegos del hambre | Collins Suzanne | Molino | | | | | Sinsajo | Collins Suzanne | Molino | | | | | juegos del hambre Los | Collins Suzanne | Molino | | | | | Island for sale | Collins, Anne | Penguin Readers | | | | | Juego mortal | Collins, Larry | Plaza y Janés | | | | | Lepel jauna eta giltzaria | Collins, Wikie | Elkarlanean | | | | | The Moonstone | Collins, Wikie | Oxford University Press | | | | | The moonstone | Collins, Wilkie | Burlington Books | | | | | The woman in white | Collins, Wilkie | Vicens-Vives | | | | | The woman in white | Collins, Wilkie | Burlington Books | | | | | Las aventuras de Pinocho | Collodi, Carlo | AKal | | | | | Pinotxoren abenturak | Collodi, Carlo | Itxaropena S.A. | | | | | Pequeñeces | Coloma, Luis | Cátedra | | | | | Diario de a bordo | Colon, Cristobal | Anaya | | | | | Diario de a bordo | Colon, Cristobal | Anaya | | | | | La república en Roma | Combes Robert | Edaf | | | | | Ritual de la penitencia | Comisión Episcopal | Paulinas | | | | | Áxel, el mago | Company Mercé | Edebé | | | | | Curso de filosofía positiva. Discurso sobre el espíritu positivo | Comte, Augusto | Folio | | | | | La historia más bella de la felicidad | Comte-Sponville, André | Anagrama | | | | | Short Stories | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes and the Duke´s son | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford Bookworms | | | | | A scandal in Bohemia | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Penguin Readers | | | | | A scandal in Bohemia | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Penguin Readers | | | | | The sign of the four | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Heinemann Guided Readers | | | | | El tren especial desaparecido | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Aguilar | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | The hound of the Baskervilles | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | Sherlock Holmes The hound of the baskervilles | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sign of Four | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Macmillan | | | | | Sherlock Holmes: The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford | | | | | Sherlock Holmes The hound of the baskervilles | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | The adventures of Sherlock holmes | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Monograma | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | El Sabueso de los Baskerville | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Anaya | | | | | The sherlock holmes adventures | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Collins English Library | | | | | Sherlock Holmesen istorioak I | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Elkar | | | | | Mundu galdua | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Desclée de Brouwer | | | | | Sherlock Holmesen istorioak I | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Elkar | | | | | Mundu galdua | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Desclée de Brouwer | | | | | A Sherlock Holmes Collection | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Burlington Books | | | | | Mundu galdua | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Desclée de Brouwer | | | | | Sherlock Holmesen istorioak I | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Elkar | | | | | Sherlock Holmesen istorioak I | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Elkar | | | | | Sherlock Holmesen istorioak I | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Elkar | | | | | Mundu galdua | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Desclée de Brouwer | | | | | Mundu galdua | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Desclée de Brouwer | | | | | Mundu galdua | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Desclée de Brouwer | | | | | Mundu galdua | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Desclée de Brouwer | | | | | Sherlock Holmesen istorioak I | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Elkar | | | | | Mundu galdua | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Desclée de Brouwer | | | | | Sherlock Holmesen istorioak I | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Elkar | | | | | Sherlock Holmesen istorioak I | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Elkar | | | | | Sherlock Holmesen istorioak I | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Elkar | | | | | Sherlock Holmesen istorioak II | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Elkar | | | | | Mundu galdua | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Desclée de Brouwer | | | | | Mundu galdua | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Desclée de Brouwer | | | | | Sherlock Holmesen istorioak I | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Elkar | | | | | The hound of the Baskerville | Conan Doyle, Arthur | | | | | | The hound of the Baskerville | Conan Doyle, Arthur | | | | | | El cielo envenenado | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Debate | | | | | El perro de los Baskerville | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Salvat editores | | | | | El perro de los Baskerville | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Salvat editores | | | | | El mundo perdido | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Anaya | | | | | Estudio en escarlata | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Anaya | | | | | The hound of the Baskerville | Conan Doyle, Arthur | | | | | | The hound of the Baskervilles | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Aventuras de Sherlock Holmes | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Planeta | | | | | Short Stories | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes abenturak (I) | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Igela argitaletxea | | | | | Short Stories | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Short Stories | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Short Stories | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes. The blue diamond | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Oxford University Press | | | | | Sherlock Holmes abenturak 2 | Conan Doyle, Arthur | Igela argitaletxea | | | | | Epoca contemporánea: 1914-1939 | Concha, Victor G. de la | Crítica | | | | | Epoca contemporánea: 1914-1939 | Concha, Victor G. de la | Crítica | | | | | Concilio Vaticano II | Concilio Vaticano II | Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos | | | | | Lógica. Extracto razonado del tratado de las sensaciones | Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de | Orbis | | | | | Consent of the coverned | Connable, Alfred and Roma | Fawcett Publications | | | | | The red bus | Connell, James | Vasco americana | | | | | Nine Dragons | Connelly, Michael | Hachette Books | | | | | The reversal | Connelly, Michael | Orion books | | | | | Lenin | Conquest, Robert | Grijalbo | | | | | Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Oxford University Press | | | | | Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Oxford University Press | | | | | Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Oxford University Press | | | | | El confidente secreto | Conrad, Joseph | Bruguera | | | | | Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Oxford University Press | | | | | Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Oxford University Press | | | | | Illunbeen bihotzean | Conrad, Joseph | Ibaizabal | | | | | La linea de la sombra | Conrad, Joseph | Bruguera | | | | | Illunbeen bihotzean | Conrad, Joseph | Ibaizabal | | | | | Salataria | Conrad, Joseph | Erein | | | | | El corazón de las tinieblas | Conrad, Joseph | Random House Mondadori | | | | | The secret agent and Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Burlington Books | | | | | Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Planeta | | | | | Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Oxford University Press | | | | | Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Planeta | | | | | Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Oxford University Press | | | | | Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Paris | | | | | Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Longmans | | | | | El corazón de las tinieblas | Conrad, Joseph | El Pais | | | | | Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Oxford University Press | | | | | Fighter for the workers: the story of walter reuther | Cook, Fred J. | Ladder | | | | | Signos vitales | Cook, Robin | Plaza y Janés | | | | | Cerebro | Cook, Robin | Circulo de lectores | | | | | Miedo mortal | Cook, Robin | Circulo de lectores | | | | | TV window on the world | Coombs, Charles | Ladder | | | | | The last of the Mohicans | Cooper, Fenimore | Burlington Books | | | | | El último de los mohicanos | Cooper, Fenimore | Planeta | | | | | The last of the mohicans | Cooper, Fenimore | Penguin Readers | | | | | The last of the mohicans | Cooper, Fenimore | Penguin Readers | | | | | The deerslayer | Cooper, Fenimore | Alhambra | | | | | Historia de la Filosofia 7 | Copleston, Frederick | Ariel | | | | | Historia de la filosofia 6 | Copleston, Frederick | Ariel | | | | | Historia de la filosofia 5 | Copleston, Frederick | Ariel | | | | | Historia de la filosofia 9 | Copleston, Frederick | Ariel | | | | | Historia de la filosofia 3 | Copleston, Frederick | Ariel | | | | | Historia de la filosofia 8 | Copleston, Frederick | Ariel | | | | | Historia de la filosofia 4 | Copleston, Frederick | Ariel | | | |