Izenburua/Título | Idazlea/Autor | Argitaletxea/Editorial |  |
| Where´s my Mummy ? | Hawkins Colin and Jacqui | Walker Books |  | |
| Super Songs | Ayliffe, Alex | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| Colin´s Colours | Read, Carol - Soberón, Ana | Macmillan Children´s Readers |  | |
| Is it a Butterfly? | Llewellyn, Claire - Parker Ant | Macmillan Children´s Readers |  | |
| Pip the Pirate | Palin, Cheryl | Macmillan Children´s Readers |  | |
| Dom´s Dragon | Cook, Yvonne | Macmillan Children´s Readers |  | |
| Is it a Frog? | Llewellyn, Claire - Parker Ant | Macmillan Children´s Readers |  | |
| Pat´s Picture | Smith, Ben | Macmillan Children´s Readers |  | |
| The Ants´ Party | Beare, Nick | Macmillan Children´s Readers |  | |
| The Unhappy Giant | Palin, Cheryl | Macmillan Children´s Readers |  | |
| What´s that Noise ? | Michaels, Jade | Macmillan Children´s Readers |  | |
| Riverboat Bill | Miles, Leanne | Macmillan Children´s Readers |  | |
| The Cup in the Forest | Collins, Anne | Penguin Readers |  | |
| The Wizard of OZ | Baum, L. Frank | Penguin Young readers- Longman |  | |
| Snow White an the Seven Dwarves | Bradshaw, Coralyn | Penguin Young readers- Longman |  | |
| A new tooth | Border, Rosemary | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| Mary and her basket | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| Po - Po | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| Pat and her Picture | Border, Rosemary | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| The Kite | Border, Rosemary | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| John and Paul go to school | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| Peter and his Book | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| Th Bird and the Bread | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| Tonk and his Friends | Hopkins, Felicity | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| Two Stories | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| Sam´s Ball | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| The Fox and the Stork / The Bird and the Glass | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| The Big Race | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| The Man in the Big Car | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| The Queen´s Handkerchief | Border, Rosemary | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| An Apple for the Monkey | Hopkins, Felicity | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| Four clever people | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| In The Cave | Hopkins, Felicity | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| Nine Stories about people | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| Doctor Know- it all and the brave little tailor | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| People and things | Howe, D. H. | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| The Flyer | Border, Rosemary | OUP- Oxford University Press |  | |
| Animalien Istorioak eta Ipuinak | Dalmais, Anne Marie | Susaeta |  | |
| Hansel & Gretel | Haddock Peter | Bridlington England |  | |
| Daisy says: If you are happy and you know it | Simmons, Jane | Orchard Books |  | |
| Round and round the garden | Su, Lucy | Ted Smart |  | |
| Tiger´s Bedtime | Calmenson, Stephanie | Golden Books |  | |
| Think of an Eel | Wallace, Karen | Walker Books |  | |
| The Happy Goat | Kershaw, John | Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited |  | |
| 365 igarkizun | Izarzelaia, Ion Iñaki | Susaeta S. A |  | |
| BAPATEAN 2003 | Euskal Herriko Bertsozale Elka | ELKARLANEAN, S.L |  | |
| Animalien Istorioak eta Ipuinak | Dalmais, Anne Marie | Susaeta |  | |
| Egurra | Lohf, Sabine | Elkar |  | |
| Ada ez da inoiz beldurtzen | Cordova Isabel | SM |  | |
| Criterios psicopedagógicos y recursos para atender la diversidad en secundaria | Onrubia Javier | |  | |