Izenburua/Título | Idazlea/Autor | Argitaletxea/Editorial | |
| Birds Census Techniques | Colin J. Bibby, et al. | Academic Press | | |
| | Comamala, J. T. | Ceac | | |
| Clave de identificaci | Comelles Monserrat | asociaci | | |
| Controversia Nuclear, La. Lem | Comisi | Ediciones Vascas | | |
| Gu | Consolino, F. & Banfi, E. | Grijalbo | | |
| Gu | Consultora de Recursos Ambient | Diputaci | | |
| Bases para la elaboraci | Consultora de Recursos Natural | In | | |
| Estudio Faun | Consultora de Recursos Natural | In | | |
| La Malvas | Consultora de Recursos Natural | UTE, CRN & Sylvatica | | |
| Espacios naturales privilegiados de la CAPV | Consultora Recursos Naturales | Gobierno Vasco | | |
| Pagazas, charranes y fumareles. | Corbacho C., Guzm | SEO/Birdlife | | |
| Mammals of the Indomalayan Region. The | Corbet, G.B. y Hill, J.E. | NHMP Oxford University Press | | |
| El Libro del Tejo | Cort | | | |
| Comportamiento migratorio y alimentario del at | Cort, J.L. | In | | |
| Flore descriptive et illustr | Coste, H. | Librairie Albert Blanchard | | |
| Flore descriptive et illustr | Coste, H. | Librairie Albert Blanchard | | |
| Flore descriptive et illustr | Coste, H. | Librairie Albert Blanchard | | |
| Flore descriptive et illustr | Coste, H. | Librairie Albert Blanchard | | |
| Flore descriptive et illustr | Coste, H. et al. | Blanchard | | |
| Gu | Courtecuisse, R | Omega | | |
| integrated system of classification of flowering plants, An (Vol. 2) | Cronquist, A. | Columbia University Press | | |
| integrated system of classification of flowering plants, An (Vol. 1) | Cronquist, A. | Columbia University Press | | |
| Burgos y sus doce partidos | Cruz, Fray Valent | Caja de Ahorros de Burgos | | |
| roedores (Mammalia) del Mioceno inferior de Autol (La Rioja), Los | Cuenca, G. | Instituto de Estudios Riojanos | | |
| rey de los osos, El | Curwood, J. O. | Caja de Ahorros del C | | |
| Aves Ib | D | J.M. Reyero Editor | | |
| Investigaci | D | Gobierno Vasco | | |
| Ilustraci | Dalley, T. y col. | Blume | | |
| Ecolog | Daubenmire, R. F. | Limusa | | |
| Flora of Turkey | Davis, P. H. | Edinburgh university press | | |
| Flora of Turkey | Davis, P. H. | Edinburgh university press | | |
| Flora of Turkey | Davis, P. H. | Edinburgh university press | | |
| Flora of Turkey | Davis, P. H. | Edinburgh university press | | |
| Flora of Turkey | Davis, P. H. | Edinburgh university press | | |
| Flora of Turkey | Davis, P. H. | Edinburgh university press | | |
| Flora of Turkey | Davis, P. H. | Edinburgh university press | | |
| Flora of Turkey | Davis, P. H. | Edinburgh university press | | |
| Flora of Turkey | Davis, P. H. | Edinburgh university press | | |
| Flora of Turkey | Davis, P. H. | Edinburgh university press | | |
| Hidrogeolog | Davis, Stanley N. | Ariel | | |
| How to write and publish a scientific paper | Day, Robert | Cambridge | | |
| Atlas de Zoolog | De Haro Vera, A. | Jover | | |
| Manual de Protecci | de la G | Gobierno Vasco | | |
| El buitre negro en Espa | De la Puente, J. & Moreno-Opo, | SEO/Birdlife | | |
| Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, Vol II | De Langhe, J.E. et al. | Jardin botanique de Belgique | | |
| Nouvelle Flore de la BelgiqueVol. I | De Langhe, J.E. et al. | Jardin botanique de Belgique | | |
| Mariposas diurnas de Alava. | de Olano, I. y col. | IAN y Amigos del M.C.N. | | |
| Mariposas diurnas de Alava. | de Olano, I. y col. | IAN y Amigos del M.C.N. | | |
| Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 16 | del Hoyo, J. et al | Lynx | | |
| Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 2. New World Vultures to Guineafowl. | del Hoyo, J. et al | Lynx Edicions, Barcelona | | |